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大洗研究所における放射性廃棄物の放射能濃度評価手法確立に係る取り組み; 令和2年度活動報告書

朝倉 和基; 下村 祐介; 堂野前 寧; 阿部 和幸; 北村 了一; 宮越 博幸; 高松 操; 坂本 直樹; 磯崎 涼佑; 大西 貴士; et al.

JAEA-Review 2021-020, 42 Pages, 2021/10




Design, construction and monitoring of temporary storage facilities for removed contaminants

三枝 博光*; 舟木 泰智; 操上 広志; 坂本 義昭; 時澤 孝之*

Insights Concerning the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident, Vol.4; Endeavors by Scientists, p.170 - 187, 2021/10



$$omega N$$ scattering length from $$omega$$ photoproduction on the proton near the reaction threshold

石川 貴嗣*; 藤村 寿子*; 深澤 宏司*; 橋本 亮*; He, Q.*; 本多 佑記*; 保坂 淳; 岩田 高広*; 甲斐田 俊*; 笠木 治郎太*; et al.

Physical Review C, 101(5), p.052201_1 - 052201_6, 2020/05

 被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:43.57(Physics, Nuclear)

Photoproduction of the omega meson on the proton has been experimentally studied near the threshold. The total cross sections are determined at incident energies ranging from 1.09 to 1.15 GeV. The 1/2 and 3/2 spin-averaged scattering length $$a$$$$_{omega p}$$ and effective range $$r$$$$_{omega p}$$ between the CO meson and proton are estimated from the shape of the total cross section as a function of the incident photon energy: $$a$$$$_{omega p}$$ = (-0.97 $$_{rm -0.16stat-0.00syst}^{rm +0.16stat+0.03syst}$$ + $$i$$(0.07 $$_{rm -0.14stat-0.09syst}^{rm +0.15stat+0.17syst}$$) fm and $$r$$$$_{omega p}$$ = (+2.78 $$_{rm -0.54stat-0.12syst}^{rm +0.67stat+0.11syst}$$) + $$i$$(-0.01 $$_{rm -0.50stat-0.00syst}^{rm +0.46stat+0.06syst}$$) fm, resulting in a repulsive force. The real and imaginary parts for $$a$$$$_{omega p}$$ and $$r$$$$_{omega p}$$ are determined separately for the first time. A small $$P$$-wave contribution does not affect the obtained values.


Development of a structured overset Navier-Stokes solver with a moving grid and full multigrid method

大橋 訓英*; 日野 孝則*; 小林 寛*; 小野寺 直幸; 坂本 信晶*

Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 24(3), p.884 - 901, 2019/09

 被引用回数:17 パーセンタイル:77.42(Engineering, Marine)



Electronic structure of the high-$$T_{rm C}$$ ferromagnetic semiconductor (Ga,Fe)Sb; X-ray magnetic circular dichroism and resonance photoemission spectroscopy studies

坂本 祥哉*; Tu, N. T.*; 竹田 幸治; 藤森 伸一; Hai, P. N.*; Anh, L. D.*; 若林 勇希*; 芝田 悟朗*; 堀尾 眞史*; 池田 啓祐*; et al.

Physical Review B, 100(3), p.035204_1 - 035204_8, 2019/07

The electronic structure and the magnetism of the ferromagnetic semiconductor (Ga,Fe)Sb, whose Curie temperature $$T_{rm C}$$ can exceed room temperature, were investigated by means of X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD), and resonance photoemission spectroscopy (RPES). The line-shape analyses of the XAS and XMCD spectra suggest that the ferromagnetism is of intrinsic origin. The orbital magnetic moments deduced using XMCD sum rules were found to be large, indicating that there is a considerable 3$$d^{6}$$ contribution to the ground state of Fe. From RPES, we observed a strong dispersive Auger peak and nondispersive resonantly enhanced peaks in the valence-band spectra. The latter is a fingerprint of the correlated nature of Fe 3$$d$$ electrons, whereas the former indicates their itinerant nature. It was also found that the Fe 3$$d$$ states have a finite contribution to the density of states at the Fermi energy. These states, presumably consisting of majority-spin $$p$$-$$d$$ hybridized states or minority-spin e states, would be responsible for the ferromagnetic order in this material.


Electronic structure of the high-$$T_{rm C}$$ ferromagnetic semiconductor (Ga,Fe)Sb; X-ray magnetic circular dichroism and resonance photoemission spectroscopy studies

坂本 祥哉*; Tu, N. T.*; 竹田 幸治; 藤森 伸一; Hai, P. N.*; Anh, L. D.*; 若林 勇希*; 芝田 悟朗*; 堀尾 眞史*; 池田 啓祐*; et al.

Physical Review B, 100(3), p.035204_1 - 035204_8, 2019/07

 被引用回数:16 パーセンタイル:64.97(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

The electronic structure and the magnetism of the ferromagnetic semiconductor (Ga,Fe)Sb, whose Curie temperature $$T_{rm C}$$ can exceed room temperature, were investigated by means of X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD), and resonance photoemission spectroscopy (RPES). The line-shape analyses of the XAS and XMCD spectra suggest that the ferromagnetism is of intrinsic origin. The orbital magnetic moments deduced using XMCD sum rules were found to be large, indicating that there is a considerable 3$$d^{6}$$ contribution to the ground state of Fe. From RPES, we observed a strong dispersive Auger peak and nondispersive resonantly enhanced peaks in the valence-band spectra. The latter is a fingerprint of the correlated nature of Fe 3$$d$$ electrons, whereas the former indicates their itinerant nature. It was also found that the Fe 3$$d$$ states have a finite contribution to the density of states at the Fermi energy. These states would be responsible for the ferromagnetic order in this material.



渡邉 環*; 外山 毅*; 花村 幸篤*; 今尾 浩司*; 上垣外 修一*; 鴨志田 敦史*; 河内 敏彦*; 小山 亮*; 坂本 成彦*; 福西 暢尚*; et al.

Proceedings of 16th Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan (インターネット), p.1105 - 1108, 2019/07

現在、仁科加速器研究センターにおいて、超伝導加速空洞を建設中である。破壊型ビーム診断装置を用いたビーム測定は脱ガスを発生するため、超伝導加速空洞の性能を示すQ値や表面抵抗値を、長期的に維持することが難しくなる。そのために、非破壊型のビーム診断装置による測定が必須となる。そこで、斜めに四分割した静電型ピックアップを用いたビーム位置モニターシステム(BEPM)の開発を行い、計11台を完成させた。このシステムは、BEPM間の距離を正確に測定した2台のBEPMを用いて、ビームの飛行時間(TOF)を測定し、ビームの位置情報と同時に、ビームエネルギー値も得られるという利点を有する。終段のBEPMは、ビームエネルギーの情報が非常に重要になる、超重元素探索装置GARIS IIIや、医療用RIアスタチンの製造に使用される予定である。2019年度は、BEPM内にワイヤーを張り、上下左右に動かすことにより、そのワイヤーの位置と各電極の出力の相関を測定する校正作業(マッピング)を行うため、BEPMを固定する冶具とワイヤーを囲むダミーダクトの設計と製作を行った。校正装置本体は、J-PARC 50GeVシンクロトロンMRのマッピング用に開発された校正装置を利用させて頂いた。今回の学会では、マッピングによる測定の結果とその考察にについて発表をする。


Local magnetic states of the weakly ferromagnetic iron-based superconductor Sr$$_{2}$$VFeAsO$$_{3-delta}$$ studied by X-ray magnetic circular dichroism

堀尾 眞史*; 竹田 幸治; 並木 宏允*; 片桐 隆雄*; 若林 勇希*; 坂本 祥哉*; 野中 洋亮*; 芝田 悟朗*; 池田 啓祐*; 斎藤 祐児; et al.

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 87(10), p.105001_1 - 105001_2, 2018/10

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:20.78(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

We have performed X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) measurements on the iron-based superconductor Sr$$_{2}$$VFeAsO$$_{3-delta}$$ to study the origin of weak ferromagnetism (WFM) reported for this compound. While Fe 3d electrons show a magnetic response similar to the other iron pnictides, signals from V 3d electrons remain finite at zero magnetic field and may be responsible for the WFM.


Cation distribution and magnetic properties in ultrathin (Ni$$_{1-x}$$Co$$_{x}$$)Fe$$_{2}$$O$$_{4}$$ (x=0-1) layers on Si(111) studied by soft X-ray magnetic circular dichroism

若林 勇希*; 野中 洋亮*; 竹田 幸治; 坂本 祥哉*; 池田 啓祐*; Chi, Z.*; 芝田 悟朗*; 田中 新*; 斎藤 祐児; 山上 浩志; et al.

Physical Review Materials (Internet), 2(10), p.104416_1 - 104416_12, 2018/10

 被引用回数:10 パーセンタイル:36.89(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

We study the electronic structure and magnetic properties of epitaxial (Ni$$_{1-x}$$Co$$_{x}$$)Fe$$_{2}$$O$$_{4}$$(111) layers with thicknesses $$d$$ = 1.7 - 5.2 nm grown on Al$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$(111)/Si(111) structures. We revealed the crystallographic (octahedral $$O_{h}$$ or tetrahedral $$T_{d}$$) sites and the valences of the Fe, Co, and Ni cations using experimental soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy and X-ray magnetic circular dichroism spectra and configuration-interaction cluster-model calculation.



渡邉 環*; 今尾 浩士*; 上垣外 修一*; 坂本 成彦*; 福西 暢尚*; 藤巻 正樹*; 山田 一成*; 渡邉 裕*; 小山 亮*; 外山 毅*; et al.

Proceedings of 15th Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan (インターネット), p.49 - 54, 2018/08



Characterization of the PTW 34031 ionization chamber (PMI) at RCNP with high energy neutrons ranging from 100 - 392 MeV

Theis, C.*; Carbonez, P.*; Feldbaumer, E.*; Forkel-Wirth, D.*; Jaegerhofer, L.*; Pangallo, M.*; Perrin, D.*; Urscheler, C.*; Roesler, S.*; Vincke, H.*; et al.

EPJ Web of Conferences, 153, p.08018_1 - 08018_5, 2017/09

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.03(Nuclear Science & Technology)




辻 智之; 星野 譲; 坂井 章浩; 坂本 義昭; 鈴木 康夫*; 町田 博*

JAEA-Technology 2017-010, 75 Pages, 2017/06


研究施設等廃棄物の埋設処分に向けた合理的な廃棄物確認手法確立のために、照射後試験施設から発生した放射性廃棄物に対する放射能濃度評価手法を検討する必要がある。このため、ニュークリア・デベロップメントの照射後試験施設をモデルに理論計算を主体とする新たな放射能濃度評価手法の検討を行った。この結果、埋設処分の安全評価上重要と考えられる17核種(H-3, C-14, Co-60, Ni-63, Sr-90, Tc-99, Cs-137, Eu-154, U-234, U-235, U-238, Pu-238, Pu-239, Pu-240, Pu-241, Am-241, Cm-244)のうち、Sr-90, Tc-99, Eu-154等の14核種に対し、理論計算手法を適用できる可能性を得た。


Origin of robust nanoscale ferromagnetism in Fe-doped Ge revealed by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy and first-principles calculation

坂本 祥哉*; 若林 勇希*; 竹田 幸治; 藤森 伸一; 鈴木 博人*; 伴 芳祐*; 山上 浩志; 田中 雅明*; 大矢 忍*; 藤森 淳*

Physical Review B, 95(7), p.075203_1 - 075203_5, 2017/02

 被引用回数:9 パーセンタイル:42.27(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Ge$$_{1-x}$$Fe$$_x$$ (Ge:Fe) shows ferromagnetic behavior up to a relatively high temperature of 210 K and hence is a promising material for spintronic applications compatible with Si technology. We have studied its underlying electronic structure by soft X-ray angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy measurements and first-principles supercell calculation. We observed finite Fe 3$$d$$ components in the states at the Fermi level ($$Erm_F$$) in a wide region of momentum space, and the $$Erm_F$$ was located $$sim$$0.35 eV above the valence-band maximum of the host Ge. Our calculation indicates that the $$Erm_F$$ is also within the deep acceptor-level impurity band induced by the strong $$p$$-$$d$$($$t_2$$) hybridization. We conclude that the additional minority-spin $$d(e)$$ electron characteristic of the Fe$$^{2+}$$ state is responsible for the short-range ferromagnetic coupling between Fe atoms.


Origin of the large positive magnetoresistance of Ge$$_{1-x}$$Mn$$_{x}$$ granular thin films

若林 勇希*; 秋山 了太*; 竹田 幸治; 堀尾 眞史*; 芝田 悟朗*; 坂本 祥哉*; 伴 芳祐*; 斎藤 祐児; 山上 浩志; 藤森 淳*; et al.

Physical Review B, 95(1), p.014417_1 - 014417_6, 2017/01

 被引用回数:11 パーセンタイル:48.2(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Ge$$_{1_x}$$Mn$$_x$$ (GeMn) granular thin films are a unique and promising material for spintronic applications owing to their large positive magnetoresistance (MR). The microscopic origin of the MR has not yet been clarified. Here, we develop a method to separately investigate the magnetic properties of the nanoparticles and the matrix, utilizing the extremely high sensitivity of X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) to the local magnetic state of each atom. We find that the MR ratio is proportional to the product of the magnetizations originating from the nanoparticles and the matrix. This result indicates that the spin-polarized holes in the nanoparticles penetrate into the matrix and that these holes undergo first order magnetic scattering by the paramagnetic Mn atoms in the matrix, which induces the large MR.


Volume-wise destruction of the antiferromagnetic Mott insulating state through quantum tuning

Frandsen, B. A.*; Liu, L.*; Cheung, S. C.*; Guguchia, Z.*; Khasanov, R.*; Morenzoni, E.*; Munsie, T. J. S.*; Hallas, A. M.*; Wilson, M. N.*; Cai, Y.*; et al.

Nature Communications (Internet), 7, p.12519_1 - 12519_8, 2016/08

 被引用回数:33 パーセンタイル:76.78(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

RENiO$$_3$$ (RE = rare-earth element) and V$$_2$$O$$_3$$ are archetypal Mott insulator systems. When tuned by chemical substitution (RENiO$$_3$$) or pressure (V$$_2$$O$$_3$$), they exhibit a quantum phase transition (QPT) between an antiferromagnetic Mott insulating state and a paramagnetic metallic state. Because novel physics often appears near a Mott QPT, the details of this transition, such as whether it is first or second order, are important. Here, we demonstrate through muon spin relaxation/rotation experiments that the QPT in RENiO$$_3$$ and V$$_2$$O$$_3$$ is first order: the magnetically ordered volume fraction decreases to zero at the QPT, resulting in a broad region of intrinsic phase separation, while the ordered magnetic moment retains its full value until it is suddenly destroyed at the QPT. These findings bring to light a surprising universality of the pressure-driven Mott transition, revealing the importance of phase separation and calling for further investigation into the nature of quantum fluctuations underlying the transition.



齊藤 宏; 佐藤 泰*; 坂本 篤*; 鳥飼 一吉; 福嶋 繁; 坂尾 亮太; 瀧 富弘

JAEA-Technology 2015-063, 119 Pages, 2016/03




Room-temperature local ferromagnetism and its nanoscale expansion in the ferromagnetic semiconductor Ge$$_{1-x}$$Fe$$_{x}$$

若林 勇希*; 坂本 祥哉*; 竹田 幸治; 石上 啓介*; 高橋 文雄*; 斎藤 祐児; 山上 浩志; 藤森 淳*; 田中 雅明*; 大矢 忍*

Scientific Reports (Internet), 6, p.23295_1 - 23295_9, 2016/03


 被引用回数:20 パーセンタイル:65.76(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

We investigate the local electronic structure and magnetic properties of the group-IV-based ferromagnetic semiconductor, Ge$$_{1-x}$$Fe$$_{x}$$ (GeFe), using soft X-ray magnetic circular dichroism. Our results show that the doped Fe 3$$d$$ electrons are strongly hybridized with the Ge 4$$p$$ states, and have a large orbital magnetic moment relative to the spin magnetic moment, namely $$m_{rm orb}$$/$$m_{rm spin}$$ $$approx$$ 0.1. We find that nanoscale local ferromagnetic regions, which are formed through ferromagnetic exchange interactions in the high-Fe-content regions of the GeFe films, exist even at room temperature, well above the Curie temperature of 20 - 100K. We observe the intriguing nanoscale expansion of the local ferromagnetic regions with decreasing temperature, followed by a transition of the entire film into a ferromagnetic state at the Curie temperature.


Measurement of the displacement cross-section of copper irradiated with 125 MeV protons at 12 K

岩元 洋介; 義家 敏正*; 吉田 誠*; 中本 建志*; 阪本 雅昭*; 栗山 靖敏*; 上杉 智教*; 石 禎浩*; Xu, Q.*; 八島 浩*; et al.

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 458, p.369 - 375, 2015/03

 被引用回数:13 パーセンタイル:72.62(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)



Remote visualization system based on particle based volume rendering

河村 拓馬; 井戸村 泰宏; 宮村 浩子; 武宮 博; 坂本 尚久*; 小山田 耕二*

Visualization and Data Analysis 2015 (Proceedings of SPIE Vol.9397) (Internet), p.93970S_1 - 93970S_8, 2015/02

 被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:87.39(Computer Science, Theory & Methods)



The Air dose rate around the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant; Its spatial characteristics and temporal changes until December 2012

三上 智; 前山 健司*; 星出 好史*; 坂本 隆一*; 佐藤 昭二*; 奥田 直敏*; 佐藤 哲朗*; 武宮 博; 斎藤 公明

Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 139, p.250 - 259, 2015/01

 被引用回数:47 パーセンタイル:80.21(Environmental Sciences)

For comprehensive investigation of the effects of the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident on the land environment, three measurement campaigns covering wide area around the Fukushima site had been conducted by the end of fiscal year of 2012. The distribution maps of air dose rate have been constructed according to the measurement results implemented at approximately 6500 locations using the maximum values for the measurement period. Spatial distributions and temporal variations of air dose rate in the area were revealed by examining the resultant distribution maps. In the lower air dose rate area, the reduction rate of the air dose rate was observed to be smaller than that in the other areas and even smaller than physical attenuation rate alone, in contrast, the reduction rate was higher in areas with higher air dose rate.No significant difference among different land uses was observed in the reduction tendency of air dose rates in flat and spatially opened locations.

194 件中 1件目~20件目を表示