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大林 寛生; 八巻 賢一*; 吉元 秀光*; 北 智士*; Wan, T.*; 佐々 敏信

JAEA-Technology 2021-035, 66 Pages, 2022/03


大強度陽子加速器施設(Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex; J-PARC)では、加速器駆動システム(Accelerator-Driven system; ADS)による核変換技術の実現に資する研究開発を行うため、核変換実験施設(Transmutation Experimental Facility; TEF)の建設を計画している。2つの施設で構成されるTEFの内、ADSターゲット試験施設(TEF-T)では、溶融鉛ビスマス合金(Lead-Bismuth Eutectic alloy; LBE)を核破砕ターゲットおよび冷却材として用いるターゲットシステムを導入して陽子ビームを照射することにより、照射環境下でのLBEとADS構造材料候補材との共存性等のADS特有の課題に関する研究開発を行う。冷却材としての側面から見たLBEは、他の液体金属冷却材と同様に伝熱特性に優れ、ナトリウムに比べ化学的活性が低く水や空気と接触した際に火災などの事故に繋がる危険性がない。一方、一般に広く用いられるステンレス鋼等の構造材料に対し腐食性を示す他に、TEF-Tターゲットでは最大500$$^{circ}$$Cに達する温度域で使用される等の理由から適応する計装や機器が限られる。このため、LBE用の機器について個別に研究開発や設計を進めてきた。LBEターゲットシステムの実現においては、これらの機器を統合して単体の大型装置として運用した際の機能や性能評価が重要である。本報告書では、LBEターゲットの一次冷却系および二次冷却系の実証試験の他、LBE用機器や計装の性能評価、遠隔によるメンテナンスを考慮した際の機器配置に関する課題抽出、さらに将来的にTEF-T施設で行う照射後試験に向けた非照射サンプルの供給を目的とした実規模試験ループである核破砕標的循環試験装置(Integrated Multi-functional MOckup for TEF-T Real-scale TArget Loop; IMMORTAL)の概要について報告する。



斎藤 滋; Wan, T.*; 大久保 成彰; 北 智士*; 大林 寛生; 佐々 敏信

JAEA-Technology 2021-034, 94 Pages, 2022/03


長寿命放射性廃棄物の核変換を実現するため、日本原子力研究開発機構(JAEA)が研究を進めている加速器駆動システム(ADS; Accelerator Driven System)では、核破砕ターゲット及び未臨界炉心冷却材として鉛ビスマス共晶合金(LBE; Lead-Bismuth Eutectic alloy)を採用している。ADSとともに、将来のADSの開発に向けて材料照射データベースを構築するためJ-PARCで検討を進めている陽子照射施設を実現するためには、LBEを安全に利用するために解決すべき課題が多い。特に、T91(改良9Cr-1Mo鋼)やSUS316LなどのADSの主要な鋼材に対して、400-550$$^{circ}$$Cの温度範囲におけるLBE流動下の腐食データは、ADSや陽子照射施設の設計に不可欠である。その際、鋼材の腐食抑制に大きく影響するLBE中酸素濃度も腐食データベースの重要なパラメータとなる。そこで、JAEAはLBEと鋼材の共存性試験並びにLBE取扱いに関連した技術開発を目的として、"OLLOCHI(Oxygen-controlled LBE LOop for Corrosion tests in HIgh-temperature)"と名付けた大型の腐食試験ループを新たに製作した。OLLOCHIはLBE中酸素濃度を自動調整する機能を有し、高温部及び低温部の最高使用温度はそれぞれ550$$^{circ}$$C、450$$^{circ}$$Cであり、ADSの設計値を包含するように設定している。2,000時間以上に及ぶループの特性試験の結果、設計通りの性能を発揮することが確認された。本報告書ではOLLOCHIの概要と各機器の詳細、特性試験結果ならびに今後の試験計画について述べる。


Track-structure modes in Particle and Heavy Ion Transport code System (PHITS); Application to radiobiological research

松谷 悠佑; 甲斐 健師; 佐藤 達彦; 小川 達彦; 平田 悠歩; 吉井 勇治*; Parisi, A.*; Liamsuwan, T.*

International Journal of Radiation Biology, 98(2), p.148 - 157, 2022/02

 被引用回数:15 パーセンタイル:78.41(Biology)



Status of LBE study and experimental plan at JAEA

斎藤 滋; Wan, T.*; 大久保 成彰; 大林 寛生; 渡辺 奈央; 大平 直也*; 木下 秀孝; 八巻 賢一*; 北 智士*; 吉元 秀光*; et al.

JPS Conference Proceedings (Internet), 33, p.011041_1 - 011041_6, 2021/03



Remote handling technology for lead-bismuth spallation target system

大林 寛生; 吉元 秀光*; 北 智士*; 八巻 賢一*; Wan, T.*; 斎藤 滋; 佐々 敏信

JPS Conference Proceedings (Internet), 33, p.011048_1 - 011048_6, 2021/03

J-PARC is performing R&Ds aimed at realizing an experimental facility applying a spallation target system in order to contribute to development of a lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) cooled accelerator-driven system. The target system utilizes LBE as a spallation target material and as a primary coolant. The main purpose of the facility is to understand the compatibility of candidate structural materials under flowing high temperature LBE with proton / neutron irradiation, and reflect it in ADS design. 400 MeV - 250 kW pulsed proton beam strikes a target vessel containing irradiation samples during operation. Among the components installed to the target system, in particular the target vessel is exposed not only the corrosive LBE flow, but also highly irradiation by the target operation. It is essential to establish remote exchanging technology of the target vessel that can avoid exposing workers to high radiation environment. This paper describes recent status of a planning remote exchanging procedure of the target vessel and presents the result of a demonstrative experiment. The series of remote operation procedure was successfully demonstrated by experiments using a mock-up apparatus and developed remote jigs. As further issues, we planning several minor modification capable shortening of operation time.


Verification of KURBUC-based ion track structure mode for proton and carbon ions in the PHITS code

松谷 悠佑; 甲斐 健師; 佐藤 達彦; Liamsuwan, T.*; 佐々木 恒平*; Nikjoo, H.*

Physics in Medicine & Biology, 66(6), p.06NT02_1 - 06NT02_11, 2021/03

 被引用回数:17 パーセンタイル:89.22(Engineering, Biomedical)

汎用放射線輸送計算コードPHITSは、広範なエネルギーの様々な粒子の物質中における挙動を模擬できる計算コードである。最新版PHITS version 3.20では、世界的に最もよく検証された飛跡構造計算コードの一つであるKURBUCのアルゴリズムに基づいて、一次イオン(陽子・炭素イオン)の挙動、二次粒子生成(1meV$$sim$$1MeVのエネルギーを有する電子)の計算を可能とするイオン飛跡構造計算モード(PHITS-KURBUCモード)を開発、実装した。本研究では、陽子及び炭素イオンの挙動に関して、PHITS-KURBUCモードで得られる飛程,動径線量,微視的エネルギー付与分布について、文献で報告される推奨値や実測値と比較することで検証した。この検証から、KURBUCコードのPHITSへの組み込みに成功したことを確認した。さらに、従来からPHITSで対象としていたより巨視的な空間領域の計算機能とPHITS-KURBUCによる微視的計算モードの相乗効果により、拡大ブラッグピークを用いた陽子線治療などの複雑な放射線場下における微視的エネルギー付与分布の詳細な計算が可能となった。本研究の成果は、放射線物理,放射線防護,医学物理,放射線生物学をはじめとした次世代の放射線研究手法の発展に貢献するものである。


Current Status of R&D and PIE Program for ADS Material Development in JAEA

斎藤 滋; 大久保 成彰; 大林 寛生; Wan, T.; 菅原 隆徳; 佐々 敏信; 前川 藤夫

JPS Conference Proceedings (Internet), 28, p.071003_1 - 071003_6, 2020/02

原子力機構は、加速器駆動システム(ADS: Accelerator-Driven Systems)の設計に必要な材料照射データベースを作成し、流動LBE中での照射効果について研究するため、J-PARCに陽子照射施設の建設を計画している。この照射施設では、鉛ビスマス共晶合金(LBE: Lead-Bismuth Eutectic)の核破砕ターゲットに250kWの陽子ビームを入射し、ADSの構造材候補材についてLBE流動下での照射試験を実施する。この照射施設を実現するために、様々な研究開発が行われている。LBEターゲットとターゲット台車の設計検討ついては概念設計を終えた。要素技術開発として大型のLBEループが製作され、本格運転へ向け準備中である。LBEループのための酸素濃度制御システムも開発された。遠隔操作によるターゲット交換試験も進捗している。照射試料の照射後試験フローは完成し、照射後試験技術について検討を進めている。その他、TEF-Tの実現に向けた現在の研究開発状況についても報告する。


Steady-state and transient experiments in mock-up of J-PARC LBE spallation target system using mock-up loop "IMMORTAL"

大林 寛生; 八巻 賢一; 北 智士; 吉元 秀光; Wan, T.; 斎藤 滋; 佐々 敏信

Proceedings of 18th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-18) (USB Flash Drive), p.262 - 274, 2019/08



Numerical study on the potential of cavitation damage in a lead-bismuth eutectic spallation target

Wan, T.; 直江 崇; 粉川 広行; 二川 正敏; 大林 寛生; 佐々 敏信

Materials, 12(4), p.681_1 - 681_15, 2019/02

 被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:17.35(Chemistry, Physical)

To perform basic R&D for future Accelerator-driven Systems (ADSs), Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) will construct an ADS target test facility. A Lead-Bismuth Eutectic (LBE) spallation target will be installed in the target test facility and bombarded by pulsed proton beams (250 kW, 400 MeV, 25 Hz, and 0.5 ms pulse duration). To realize the LBE spallation target, cavitation damage due to pressure changes in the liquid metal should be determined preliminarily because such damage is considered very critical from the viewpoint of target safety and lifetime. In this study, cavitation damage due to pressure waves caused by pulsed proton beam injection and turbulent liquid metal flow, were studied numerically from the viewpoint of single cavitation bubble dynamics. Specifically, the threshold of cavitation and effects of flow speed fluctuation on cavitation bubble dynamics in an orifice structure, were investigated in the present work. The results show that the LBE spallation target will not undergo cavitation damage under normal nominal operation conditions, mainly because of the long pulse duration of the pulsed proton beam and the low liquid metal flow velocity. Nevertheless, the possibility of occurrence of cavitation damage, in the orifice structure under certain extreme transient LBE flow conditions cannot be neglected.


Thermal-hydraulic analysis of the LBE spallation target head in JAEA

Wan, T.; 大林 寛生; 佐々 敏信

Nuclear Technology, 205(1-2), p.188 - 199, 2019/01

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.01(Nuclear Science & Technology)

To perform basic research and development to realize future accelerator-driven systems, a lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) alloy spallation target will be installed within the framework of the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) project, Japan Atomic Energy Agency. The target will be bombarded by high-power pulsed proton beams (250 kW, 400 MeV, 25 Hz, and 0.5 ms in pulse duration). The Beam Window (BW) of the spallation target is critical because it should survive under severe conditions that occur, i.e., high temperature, high irradiation, intense stress, and various kinds of damage. Therefore, the target vessel should be carefully designed to obtain an adequate safety margin. Our previous research indicates that there is a stagnant flow region in the LBE at the BW tip due to the symmetric configuration of the target, which causes high temperature and concentration of stress on the BW. On the basis of our previous work, three types of upgraded target head designs are studied in the current research to reduce/move the stagnant flow region from the BW tip and to increase the target safety margin. Thermal-hydraulic analyses and structural analyses for the target head designs are carried out numerically under a steady-state condition. Results illustrate that the designs can almost eliminate the stagnant flow region in the LBE. As a consequence, the concentration of thermal stress on the BW is released and greatly decreased. The safety margin of the target is improved through this study.


Optimization of design of the LBE spallation target at JAEA

Wan, T.; 大林 寛生; 佐々 敏信

Proceedings of 12th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics, Operation and Safety (NUTHOS-12) (USB Flash Drive), 14 Pages, 2018/10

Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) will build a spallation target in Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) to perform basic R&Ds for future Accelerator Driven Systems (ADSs). A Lead-Bismuth Eutectic (LBE) spallation target with a Beam Window (BW) will be bombed by high-power pulsed proton beams. However, it was found that the original LBE target design leads to some stagnant/re-circular flow regions in LBE and an extreme off-balance flow pattern in the annular flow channel. In the present study, optimization of the entire target design was performed on the basis of the target head design experiences obtained in our former studies. Efforts were focused on to eliminate those stagnant/re-circular flow regions and to balance the flow velocity in the annular flow channel. Parameters having impacts on the LBE flow pattern were systematically investigated. A number of case studies were performed and several original design measures were figured out to optimize the LBE flow behavior. Thermal-hydraulic and structural analyses results showed that the stagnant and re-circular flow regions can be reduced effectively, and a relative balance LBE flow can be obtained in the annular flow channel due to the modified designs. Maximum temperature and generated stress on BW have been greatly reduced. The updated target design improves the target safety margin.


Flow-accelerated corrosion of type 316L stainless steel caused by turbulent lead-bismuth eutectic flow

Wan, T.; 斎藤 滋

Metals, 8(8), p.627_1 - 627_22, 2018/08

 被引用回数:17 パーセンタイル:65.14(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

In this study, an LBE loop referred to as JLBL-1 was used to experimentally study the behavior of 316L SS when subjected to FAC for 3000 h under non-isothermal conditions. An orifice tube specimen, consisting of a straight tube that abruptly narrows and widens at each end, was installed in the loop. The specimen temperature was 450 centigrade, and a temperature difference between the hottest and coldest legs of the loop was 100 centigrade. The oxygen concentration in the LBE was less than 10$$^{-8}$$ wt.%. The Reynolds number in the test specimen was approximately 5.3$$times$$10$$^{4}$$. The effects of various hydrodynamic parameters on FAC behavior were studied with the assistance of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analyses, and then a mass transfer study was performed by integrating a corrosion model into the CFD analyses. The results show that the local turbulence level affects the mass concentration distribution in the near-wall region and therefore the mass transfer coefficient across the solid/liquid interface. The corrosion depth was predicted on the basis of the mass transfer coefficient obtained in the numerical simulation and was compared with that obtained in the loop; the two results agreed well.


Design of LBE spallation target for ADS Target Test Facility (TEF-T) in J-PARC

斎藤 滋; 大林 寛生; Wan, T.; 大久保 成彰; 菅原 隆徳; 遠藤 慎也; 佐々 敏信

Proceedings of 13th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Applications of Accelerators (AccApp '17) (Internet), p.448 - 457, 2018/05

原子力機構は、加速器駆動システム(ADS: accelerator-driven systems)の設計に必要なデータを得るために、J-PARC計画の中でADSターゲット実験施設(TEF-T: Target Test Facility)の建設を計画している。TEF-Tでは、鉛ビスマス共晶合金(LBE: Lead-Bismuth Eutectic)の核破砕ターゲットに250kWの陽子ビームを入射し、ADSの構造材候補材についてLBE流動下での照射試験を実施する。TEF-Tを実現するために、様々な研究開発が行われている。LBEターゲットとターゲット台車の設計検討は大きく進捗した。ターゲットループの保守と照射試料の照射後試験を行うホットセルについては概念設計を終えた。要素技術開発として、TEF-TターゲットのモックアップループとLBE流動下での材料腐食データを得るためのループが製作され、本格運転へ向け準備中である。LBEループのための酸素濃度制御システムも開発された。遠隔操作によるターゲット交換試験も実施中である。その他、TEF-Tの実現に向けた現在の研究開発状況についても報告する。


Study on the thermal-hydraulic of TEF-T LBE spallation target in JAEA

Wan, T.; 大林 寛生; 佐々 敏信

Proceedings of 17th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-17) (USB Flash Drive), 13 Pages, 2017/09

To realize the future Accelerator-driven systems (ADSs), an ADS Target Test Facility (TEF-T) will be constructed within the framework of Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) project to carry out basic R&Ds. A LBE spallation target will be installed in the TEF-T facility and be bombarded by high power pulsed proton beams (250 kW, 400 MeV, 25 Hz, 0.5 ms in pulse duration). The beam window (BW) of the spallation target is critical because it should survive under severe conditions, i.e., high temperature, high irradiation, intense stress and various occurred damage. Therefore, the target vessel should be carefully designed to obtain enough safety margin. Our previous research indicated that there are stagnant flow region in LBE at the BW tip due to the symmetric configuration of target, which causes high temperature and stress concentration on the BW. To reduce/move the stagnant flow region from BW tip and to increase the target safety margin, on the basis of our previous work, three types of upgraded target head designs were performed steadily in the present study. The thermal-hydraulic analyses and structural analyses for the target head designs have been carried out numerically under a steady-state condition. Results illustrated that the designs can almost eliminate the stagnant flow region in LBE. As a consequence, the thermal stress concentration on BW has been released and greatly decreased. The safety margin of target has been improved through this study.


Experimental application of ultrasonic flowmeter for TEF-T LBE spallation target system

大林 寛生; 平林 勝; Wan, T.; 佐々 敏信

Proceedings of 17th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-17) (USB Flash Drive), 10 Pages, 2017/09

JAEA has been performing various R&Ds for ADS as a dedicated system for the transmutation of long-lived radioactive nuclides such as MA. The ADS utilizes the lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) alloy as a spallation target material and a coolant. JAEA planning a construction of ADS target test Facility (TEF-T) under the framework of J-PARC project as a preliminary phase before the construction of demonstrative ADS. A major role of TEF-T is to acquire the irradiation data of candidate structural materials by using LBE spallation target system. The flow-monitoring device is one of the indispensable components to assure the safety of target system and to maintain the material irradiation condition. LBE is obviously opaque heavy liquid metal, and it is used in a high temperature condition. The goal of this study is to develop a durable and a reliable flowmeter for LBE spallation target system. To measure the flowing velocity in high temperature liquid metal, JAEA has been developed a flow-monitoring device by using ultrasonic. At first, we assessed several requirements for developed device by thermal-fluid and structural analysis. To overcome these requirement, we developed the plug immersion type of ultrasonic flowmeter. As a result of application test, it was successfully confirmed usefulness of the developed ultrasonic flowmeter under demonstration condition of TEF-T environment.


Effects of grain size on ultrasonic attenuation in type 316L stainless steel

Wan, T.; 直江 崇; 涌井 隆; 二川 正敏; 大林 寛生; 佐々 敏信

Materials, 10(7), p.753_1 - 753_17, 2017/07


 被引用回数:23 パーセンタイル:72.18(Chemistry, Physical)

A lead bismuth eutectic (LBE) spallation target will be installed in the Target Test Facility (TEF-T) in the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC). The spallation target vessel filled with LBE is made of type 316 stainless steel. However, various damages, such as erosion/corrosion damage and liquid metal embrittlement caused by contact with flowing LBE at high temperature, and irradiation hardening caused by protons and neutrons, may be inflicted on the target vessel, which will deteriorate the steel and might break the vessel. To monitor the target vessel for prevention of an accident, an ultrasonic technique has been proposed to establish off-line evaluation for estimating vessel material status during the target maintenance period. Basic R&D must be carried out to clarify the dependency of ultrasonic wave propagation behavior on material microstructures and obtain fundamental knowledge. As a first step, ultrasonic waves scattered by the grains of type 316 stainless steel are investigated using new experimental and numerical approaches in the present study. The results show that the grain size can be evaluated exactly and quantitatively by calculating the attenuation coefficient of the ultrasonic waves scattered by the grains. The results also show that the scattering regimes of ultrasonic waves depend heavily on the ratio of wavelength to average grain size, and are dominated by grains of extraordinarily large size along the wave propagation path.


Study on the evaluation of erosion damage by using laser ultrasonic integrated with a wavelet analysis technique

Wan, T.; 直江 崇; 涌井 隆; 二川 正敏; 大林 寛生; 佐々 敏信

Journal of Physics; Conference Series, 842(1), p.012010_1 - 012010_10, 2017/06


 被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:84.73(Engineering, Mechanical)

Spallation targets are the key components of accelerator driven systems (ADSs) that are being developed in the world. Erosion damages on the target vessels are anticipated. To prevent accidents occurrence due to erosion of spallation target vessel, the damage evaluation technique is desirable. The excited vibration of LBE target vessel will be monitored remotely to establish the technique. In this study, the basic researches were carried out through experiments and numerical simulations to investigate the interaction between ultrasonic waves and damage to understand the correlation between structural vibration and damage degree. Specimens with distributed erosion damage was irradiated by laser shots, and the vibration was detected by a laser vibrometer subsequently. A technique, Wavelet Differential Analysis (WDA), was developed to quantitatively and clearly indicate the differences caused by damage in the vibration signals. The results illustrated that the developed technique is sensitive to erosion damage with small size and is capable of quantitatively evaluating erosion damage. It is expected that the developed techniques can be applied to monitor the real spallation targets in the future.


Design of 250kW LBE spallation target for the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC)

佐々 敏信; 斎藤 滋; 大林 寛生; 菅原 隆徳; Wan, T.; 山口 和司*; 吉元 秀光

NEA/CSNI/R(2017)2 (Internet), p.111 - 116, 2017/06



Study on optimisation of target head design for the TEF-T LBE spallation target

Wan, T.; 大林 寛生; 佐々 敏信

NEA/CSNI/R(2017)2 (Internet), p.117 - 127, 2017/06

JAEA has proposed an Accelerator Driven System (ADS) for nuclear transmutation. To realize the future ADS, the ADS Target Test Facility (TEF-T) will be constructed under the framework of J-PARC. In TEF-T, pulsed proton beams will bombard a Lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) spallation target to produce neutrons. To design the target, the verification of target structural integrity is the primary task. For this purpose, firstly, cavitation damage caused by the negative pressure in LBE is an essential issue needs to be considered. In the present study, the possibility of cavitation damage occurrence caused by pressure waves and turbulent LBE flow was investigated for the TEF-T LBE target through the numerical simulations. Results show that the maximum expansion ratio of cavitation bubble is only 1.2 due to the pressure waves, so that severe cavitation damage will not occur due to the pressure waves; the maximum negative pressure due to the turbulent LBE flow is only -4.5 kPa on a steady-state flow condition, which is too small to drive the growth of bubbles, so neither cavitation damage will occur due to the turbulent LBE flow. Secondly, the LBE flow behavior needs to be investigated because it determines the temperature distribution on the LBE target vessel, which affects the integrity of the target vessel. The CFD analyses have been carried out to study LBE flow pattern. However, some stagnant regions exist in the LBE for the original target design. To solve this problem, the target head was modified to reduce the stagnant region effectively and efficiently. The CFD analyses results showed that the stagnant region has been effectively reduced due to the modification of target head. As a result, thermal-hydraulic and structural analyses results showed that the maximum temperature on the LBE vessel is decreased by 35 degree centigrade, and the maximum thermal stress on the BW has been decreased by approximately 31 MPa. The safety margin of target has been improved.


Evaluation of globally- & locally-distributed erosion/cavitation damage by using laser ultrasonics

Wan, T.; 大林 寛生; 佐々 敏信

可視化情報学会誌(USB Flash Drive), 36(Suppl.2), 8 Pages, 2016/10

An ADS Target Test Facility (TEF-T) will be constructed within the framework of J-PARC project. A LBE spallation target will be installed in the TEF-T, and be bombarded by high power pulsed proton beams. During the operation, the erosion/cavitation damage imposed on the target vessel might be a key factor that determines its lifetime. Therefore, an in-situ structural integrity evaluation technique for the TEF-T target is expected to be established to inspect the damage. The vibration of LBE target vessel excited by pressure waves, which caused by the heat deposition in a short time due to the pulsed proton beam injection, will be monitored remotely to establish the technique. In this study, the basic research was carried out to investigate the relationship between structural vibration and damage. Samples with global- and locally-distributed erosion/cavitation damage were remotely evaluated by using laser generator and detector of ultrasonic waves. The influences of number and depth of damage on sample to structural vibration were studied through experiments and numerical simulations. A technique, Wavelet Differential Analysis (WDA), was developed to quantitatively and clearly "visualize" the differences caused by damage in the vibration signals. The results showed that the structural vibration is very dependent on damage, and the developed technique is applicable of quantitatively indicate this dependency.

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