The Real-time gas mass filter system for the analysis of products from trichloroethylene-air mixture during electron beam irradiation
箱田 照幸; 新井 英彦; 橋本 昭司
Hakoda, Teruyuki; Arai, Hidehiko; Hashimoto, Shoji
The continuous gas monitoring system using the mass filter (CGM-MS) was developed for the measurement of gaseous substances in air under atmospheric pressure. A capillary tube introduces the gases under atmospheric pressure into a mass filter installed in a vacuum chamber. The CGM-MS detected gaseous substances, such as sulfur dioxide, benzene and chlorobenzene, with detectable sensitivity of 0.7-1 ppmv. The monitoring system was also applied for the analysis of the products formed in electron beam irradiation of trichloroethylene (TCE) and air mixture. Dichloroacetyl chloride, carbonyl chloride (COCl), and chlorine (Cl) were quantitatively analyzed. Trichloroethylene and the products were oxidized and completely converted into carbon dioxide, Cl, and hydrochloric acid at 15 kGy. Carbonyl chloride is dissolved in an alkaline solution to be automatically oxidized into CO and Cl. The combination of the irradiation and the dissolution of the irradiated gas decreased to 7 from 15 kGy for the complete oxidation of TCE and the products.