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Report No.

The Real-time gas mass filter system for the analysis of products from trichloroethylene-air mixture during electron beam irradiation

Hakoda, Teruyuki; Arai, Hidehiko; Hashimoto, Shoji

The continuous gas monitoring system using the mass filter (CGM-MS) was developed for the measurement of gaseous substances in air under atmospheric pressure. A capillary tube introduces the gases under atmospheric pressure into a mass filter installed in a vacuum chamber. The CGM-MS detected gaseous substances, such as sulfur dioxide, benzene and chlorobenzene, with detectable sensitivity of 0.7-1 ppmv. The monitoring system was also applied for the analysis of the products formed in electron beam irradiation of trichloroethylene (TCE) and air mixture. Dichloroacetyl chloride, carbonyl chloride (COCl$$_{2}$$), and chlorine (Cl$$_{2}$$) were quantitatively analyzed. Trichloroethylene and the products were oxidized and completely converted into carbon dioxide, Cl$$_{2}$$, and hydrochloric acid at 15 kGy. Carbonyl chloride is dissolved in an alkaline solution to be automatically oxidized into CO$$_{3}^{2-}$$ and Cl$$^{-}$$. The combination of the irradiation and the dissolution of the irradiated gas decreased to 7 from 15 kGy for the complete oxidation of TCE and the products.



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Category:Engineering, Chemical



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