Sorption behavior of plutonium(IV) onto soils in the presence of humic acid
田中 忠夫
; 長尾 誠也; 坂本 義昭
; 小川 弘道
Tanaka, Tadao; Nagao, Seiya; Sakamoto, Yoshiaki; Ogawa, Hiromichi
Influence of humic acid on the sorption of Pu onto a coastal sand, which does not sorb humic acid, and an ando soil, which sorbs humic acid very well, was examined with respect to molecular sizes of humic acid. Sorption affinity of Pu for the coastal sand decreased with increasing humic acid concentration. As to the ando soil, the sorption affinity of Pu in the presence of humic acid was larger than that in the absence of humic acid, in low humic acid concentration range. These results suggest that apparent sorption affinity of Pu on the soils is dependent on the complexation ability with humic acid and the sorption affinity of the resulting humic complexes. Concentration profiles of Pu in each size fraction of solution before and after the sorption experiment were obtained by ultrafiltration technique. It was found that the complexation and sorption properties of humic acid are dependent on its molecular size and the important molecular size relating to the complexation and sorption properties tends to shift into smaller size ranges with increasing humic acid concentration.