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Report No.

Obtainable knowledge for materials from Data-Free-Way; Description method of knowledge obtained from fact database

Tsuji, Hirokazu; Kaji, Yoshiyuki  ; Fujita, Mitsutane*; Kinugawa, Junichi*; Yoshida, Kenji*; Mashiko, Shinichi*; Shimura, Kazuki*; Miyakawa, Shunichi*; Iwata, Shuichi*

The distributed material database system named "Data-Free-Way" has been developed by four organizations (the National Institute for Materials Science, the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, the Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute and Japan Science and Technology Corporation) under a cooperative agreement. It is a system which can display the data which the user demands without considering the organization which stores data as a table and a graph. The knowledge of the forte of each organization based on the retrieval result from the fact database is made aiming at more highly developed use of this system. The development of the system by which the user can refer to the knowledge is advanced. Though the retrieval result from the fact database was displayed as a table and a graph, that is, the finding note where they were described and expressed with XML as knowledge.



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