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Report No.

Recognition of DNA damage and induction of repair proteins in ${it Deinococcus radiodurans}$

Sato, Katsuya; Kikuchi, Masahiro; Narumi, Issei

${it Deinococcus radiodurans possesses}$ a DNA damage response mechanism. However, the damage response is poorly understood in ${it D. radiodurans}$. By investigating the function of deinococcal proteins, we found that, unlike in ${it E. coli}$, LexA is not involved in the regulation of RecA in ${it D. radiodurans}$. This, in turn, led us to speculate that ${it D. radiodurans}$ has an alternative DNA damage response mechanism with which to control ${it recA}$ expression. Recently, we discovered that a novel protein regulates the expression of ${it recA}$ gene. The novel regulatory protein (designated as PprI) also control the induction of ${it pprA}$ gene following $$gamma$$ irradiation. Thus, ${it D. radiodurans}$ possesses unique mechanisms of DNA damage recognition and repair gene induction.



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