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Report No.

High power transient characteristics and capability of NSRR

Nakamura, Takehiko ; Katanishi, Shoji; Kashima, Yoichi; Yachi, Shigeyasu; Yoshinaga, Makio; Terakado, Yoshibumi

In order to study fuel behavior under abnormal transients and accidents, the control system of the Nuclear Safety Research Reactor (NSRR) of the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI) was modified to achieve high power transients. With this new operational mode, called Shaped Pulse (SP), transients at the maximum power of 10 MW can be conducted for a few seconds. This new operational mode supplements the previous Natural Pulse (NP) operation at the maximum power of 23 GW for milliseconds. For high power transient operation, a simulator using a point kinetic model was developed, and characteristics of the NSRR in the new operational mode were examined through tests and calculations. With the new operational mode, new types of fuel irradiation tests simulating power oscillations of boiling water reactors (BWRs) can to be conducted in the NSRR. Reactor characteristics and capability, such as control rod worth, feedback reactivity, and operational limits of the NSRR for SP operations are discussed.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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