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Report No.

Migration mechanisms of $$^{237}$$Np and $$^{241}$$Am through loess media

Tanaka, Tadao ; Mukai, Masayuki ; Maeda, Toshikatsu; Matsumoto, Junko ; Ogawa, Hiromichi; Li, Z.*; Wang, X.*; Fan, Z.*; Guo, L.*; Liu, C.*

Migration experiments of $$^{237}$$Np(V) and $$^{241}$$Am(III) have been performed using a column system, to investigate migration behavior of Np and Am through a column packed with loess, taken from Shanxi, China. Adsorption mechanisms of Np and Am on the loess were examined by a chemical extraction method. In the case of the Np, most of Np adsorbed on the influent edge of the column. The Np adsorbed on the loess was mainly controlled by surface complexation. However, the migration of Np in the loess media could be roughly evaluated by using the distribution coefficient. In the case of the Am, particulate Am species was formed in the influent solution and moved in the column. The Am adsorbed on the loess was controlled by irreversible reactions. The migration behavior of particulate Am in the loess media could be expressed by the filtration theory.



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Category:Chemistry, Analytical



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