Nuclear cooperation in Asia; There is no quick medicine for human resources development
Seki, Yasushi
The Human Resources Development (HRD) Project in the framework of the Forum of Nuclear Cooperation in Asia (FNCA) is a very effective mechanism under which the representatives from neighboring 8 countries gather in one place to discuss and exchange information on HRD in nuclear field. Following major tasks are being carried out, (1)Investigate the needs on human resources development in each country and the mutual support activities such as information exchange utilizing internet homepages and exchange of textbooks have been started. More efficient utilization of the existing personnel exchange programs is also being planned. (2)Assistance in the formulation of HRD strategy in each country. (3)Cooperative actions such as exchange of information on the recruitment of young generation to nuclear field, which is an issue common to all member countries.None of these tasks can yield visible results easily. HRD takes much time and effort to build mutual understanding, cooperative relationship and obtain the results together. There is no quick medicine for HRD.
- Registration No. : A20020109
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