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Report No.

Development of measuring device for inner surfaces of embedded piping (Contract research)

Ito, Hirokuni*; Hatakeyama, Mutsuo*; Tachibana, Mitsuo; Yanagihara, Satoshi

The MISE was developed to evaluate low-level radiological contaminations of inner surfaces of piping. The MISE consists of a cylindrically-formed double layered type detector and a piping crawling robot, which were designed and manufactured separately. In measurements of the contaminations, an outer cylindrical detector close to the surface of piping measures $$beta$$-rays and $$gamma$$-rays and an inner cylindrical detector set after a shielding plate for shield of $$beta$$-rays measures $$gamma$$-rays. The $$beta$$-ray counting rates are derived by subtracting $$gamma$$-ray counts measured by the inner detector from $$gamma$$- and $$beta$$-ray counts measured by the outer detector. The robot transports the double layered type detector with observing inner surfaces of piping. The detection limit for the contamination of $$^{60}$$Co was found to be about 0.17Bq/cm$$^{2}$$ with measurement time of 30 seconds. It is expected that 0.2Bq/cm$$^{2}$$ corresponding to clearance level of $$^{60}$$Co (0.4Bq/g) can be evaluated with measurement time of 2 seconds, which is equal to measurement speed of 54m/h.



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