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Proceedings of the Workshop on Applications of IRFEL and Nuclear Isomers; Septemper 28, 2001, JAERI, Tokai, Japan


山内 俊彦; 早川 岳人; 静間 俊行

Yamauchi, Toshihiko; Hayakawa, Takehito; Shizuma, Toshiyuki

「赤外FEL応用・核異性体」ワークショップは、2001年9月28日(金)原研東海研究所情報交流棟にて開催された。午前中のセッションではレーザーコンプトン$$gamma$$線,T3レーザー等による$$gamma$$線を用いた光核物理,天体核物理などのトピック6件の発表が行われた。また、午後のセッションでは 自由電子レーザー(FEL)応用としてダイオキシン類の分解,同位体分離,赤外励起分光,筋肉へのレーザー照射及び単層カーボンナノチューブやナノホーン等、7件の発表が行われた。招待講演として、極端に強いレーザー電場における分子の挙動に関する発表があった。参加総数は約50名で、講演は同時に木津(関西研究所)にもTV中継された。

The workshop on application of free-electron laser (FEL) and nuclear isomer study was held at Tokai Research Establishment of JAERI on September 28. The workshop was devoted to the discussions and the presentations of two thema as follows: Six papers associated with the laser compton gamma-ray, the photonuclear physics and the nuclear astrophysics using the gannma-ray produced by the T3 laser were presented in the morning session. Seven papers including an invited talk on the behavior of molecules in intense laser light fields and associated with the chemical decomposition of dioxin, the silicon isotope separetion, the infrared photoexcitation spectroscopy, the laser-tissue interaction and the single-wall carbon nanotube and nanohorn by FEL etc. were also presented in the afternoon session. The intensive discussion was exchanged among approximately 50 participants. Each performance during the first workshop was fully telecomunicated by a video conference system between Tokai and Kizu (Kansai Research Establishment) sites.



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