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Steady-state operation scenarios with a central current hole for JT-60SC


玉井 広史 ; 石田 真一; 栗田 源一; 白井 浩; 土屋 勝彦; 櫻井 真治; 松川 誠; 逆井 章

Tamai, Hiroshi; Ishida, Shinichi; Kurita, Genichi; Shirai, Hiroshi; Tsuchiya, Katsuhiko; Sakurai, Shinji; Matsukawa, Makoto; Sakasai, Akira


The 1.5D time-dependent transport analysis has been carried out to investigate steady state operation scenarios with a central current hole by off-axis current drive schemes consistent with a high bootstrap current fraction for a large superconducting tokamak JT-60SC. A steady state operation scenario with HH$$_{y2}$$=1.4 and $$beta$$$$_{N}$$=3.7 has been obtained at I$$_{p}$$=1.5 MA, B$$_{t}$$=2 T and q$$_{95}$$=5 where non-inductive currents are developed during the discharge to form a current hole with beam driven currents by tangential off-axis beams in combination with bootstrap currents by additional on-axis perpendicular beams. The bootstrap fraction increases up to nearly 75% of the plasma current and the current hole region is enlarged up to about 30% of the minor radius at 35 s from the discharge initiation. The current hole is confirmed to be sustained afterward for a long duration of 60 s. The stability analysis shows that the beta limit with the conducting wall can be about $$beta$$$$_{N}$$=4.5, which is substantially above the no wall ideal MHD limit.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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