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Mechanical properties changes of high burnup PWR fuel cladding by temperature transient

永瀬 文久 ; 上塚 寛

Nagase, Fumihisa; Uetsuka, Hiroshi


To obtain basic data to evaluate fuel rod integrity during abnormal transient and accident of LWRs, high burnup PWR fuel claddings were heated for 0 to 600s at temperatures of 673 through 1173K, and the mechanical property changes were examined by using ring tensile test at room temperature. As a result of the test, it was shown that strength and ductility of the cladding are changed depending on heating temperature and time. The mechanical property changes by temperature transients are considered to be correspondent mainly to recovery of irradiation defect, recovery and recrystallization of the Zircaloy, phase transformations, and associated change of the hydride distribution and morphology. Comparison with unirradiated claddings suggested that irradiation effects are not completely annealed out by the short-term annealing at high temepratures. Radial change of hydrogen concentration was measured for the high burnup PWR fuel cladding and very high hydrogen concentration of about 2400wtppm was detected at the cladding periphery.



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