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 年 ~ 

Cold test of 600MHz superconducting cryomodule for high intensity proton linac


大内 伸夫 ; 赤岡 伸雄*; 浅野 博之*; 千代 悦司; 長谷川 和男; 竹田 修*; 吉川 博; 松岡 雅則*; 大谷 利宏*; 加古 永治*; 野口 修一*; 斎藤 健治*

Ouchi, Nobuo; Akaoka, Nobuo*; Asano, Hiroyuki*; Chishiro, Etsuji; Hasegawa, Kazuo; Takeda, Osamu*; Yoshikawa, Hiroshi; Matsuoka, Masanori*; Otani, Toshihiro*; Kako, Eiji*; Noguchi, Shuichi*; Saito, Kenji*


Development of a superconducting proton linac is in progress in collaboration with KEK. In order to demonstrate cavity performance and to study stable accelerating field in a pulsed operation, a 600MHz superconducting cryomodule has been fabricated. The cryomodule includes two 5-cell superconducting cavities of $$beta$$=0.6 and is designed to perform 2K operation. Cold tests of the cryomodule have been performed at the temperature of 4K and 2K. In the tests, heat leak to the cavities, loaded quality factors, tuning sensitivities, frequency shifts against helium vessel pressure and Lorentz force detuning of the cavities were measured. Most of the measured data agreed with their design values, except for the heat leak and the Lorentz force detuning. As the preliminary horizontal test of the cryomodule, high power RF test has been also performed, where the surface peak fields of 10 and 16 MV/m were achieved in CW and pulsed operation, respectively. Now, the optimization of the RF control system is in progress to demonstrate stable accelerating field in a pulsed operation.



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