※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

高温ヘリウム漏えい箇所特定システムの開発,3; 放射線センサの開発(共同研究)

Research and development for a high-temperature helium-leak detection system, 3; Development of radiation sensors (Joint research)

坂場 成昭 ; 中澤 利雄; 川崎 幸三; 浦上 正雄*; 最首 貞典*

Sakaba, Nariaki; Nakazawa, Toshio; Kawasaki, Kozo; Urakami, Masao*; Saishu, Sadanori*


In the final third stage of the research and development for a high-temperature helium-leak detection system, the radiation sensor was developed in order to detect very small helium leakage. Applying the radiation sensor, we proposed not only the direct detection method which uses the detection of FP gas in helium, but also the active method which uses the difference in the radiation absorption between helium and air. From obtained data it was found that we can detect 0.2 cm$$^{3}$$/s leakage within 10 minutes by the active method.



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