Electrode reaction of the Np
/Np couple at liquid Cd and Bi electrodes in LiCl-KCl eutectic melts
白井 理; 魚住 浩一*; 岩井 孝; 荒井 康夫
Shirai, Osamu; Uozumi, Koichi*; Iwai, Takashi; Arai, Yasuo
723, 773及び823Kにおいて、NpCl
の電極表面への拡散が律速段階となっていた。723, 773あるいは823Kにおける液体Cd電極上でのNp
/Np系の酸化還元電位は、Mo電極でのそれに比べて、それぞれ0.158, 0.140及び0.126V正側の電位であった。これらの電位シフトは、NpCd
(773及び823K)形成のためにCd相中のNpの活量が低下したためと考えられる。また、723, 773あるいは823Kにおける液体Bi電極上でのNp
/Np系の酸化還元電位は、Mo電極でのそれに比べて、それぞれ0.427, 0.419及び0.410V正側の電位であった。Np-Cd系と同様に、これらの電位シフトは、NpBi
The electrode reactions of the Np
/Np couple at liquid Cd and Bi electrodes were investigated by cyclic voltammetry at 723, 773 and 823 K in LiCl-KCl eutectic melt. It was found that the diffusion of Np
in the salt phase was a rate-determining step in the cathodic reaction when the concentration of NpCl
was less than about 1 wt.% and the liquid Cd or Bi phase was not saturated with Np. The redox potentials of the Np
/Np couple at liquid Cd electrode at 723, 773 and 823 K were observed more positively than those at Mo electrode by 0.158, 0.140 and 0.126 V, respectively. The potential shift would result from a lowering of activity of Np in Cd phase according to the alloy formation of NpCd
at 723 K and NpCd
at 773 and 823 K. The redox potentials of the Np
/Np couple at liquid Bi electrode at 723, 773 and 823 K were more positive than those at Mo electrode by 0.427, 0.419 and 0.410 V, respectively, which would be attributable to a lowering of activity of Np in Bi phase according to the formation of NpBi