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An EGS4 user code developed for design and optimization of $$gamma$$-ray detection systems

Oishi, Tetsuya ; Tsutsumi, Masahiro; Sugita, Takeshi*; Yoshida, Makoto

An EGS4 user code has been developed to design and optimize $$gamma$$ ray detection systems for several types of radiation sources. The code is fundamentally based on the PRESTA-CG, which is improved on the electron transport in the EGS4 and specialized for the utilization of a combinatorial geometry (CG) method. The main additional functions in the present user code are classified into two parts of the definition of radiation sources and the transport of photons. The developed user code was applied to two types of detection systems in order to demonstrate its availability. As the result, it was found that the present code allows the detailed response analysis of complicated detection systems for several sources with just a simple handling.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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