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Classification of criticality calculations with correlation coefficient method and its application to OECD/NEA burnup credit benchmarks phase III-A and II-A

Okuno, Hiroshi  

A method for classifying benchmark results of criticality calculations according to similarity was proposed in this paper. After formulation of the method utilizing correlation coefficients, it was applied to burnup credit criticality benchmarks Phase III-A and II-A, which were conducted by the Expert Group on Burnup Credit Criticality Safety under auspices of the OECD/NEA. Phase III-A benchmark was a series of criticality calculations for irradiated BWR fuel assemblies, whereas Phase II-A benchmark was a suite of criticality calculations for irradiated PWR fuel pins. These benchmark problems and their results were summarized. The correlation coefficients were calculated and sets of benchmark results were classified according to the criterion that the correlation coefficients were no less than 0.15 for Phase III-A and 0.10 for Phase II-A benchmarks. When a couple of results were in a same group, one result was found predictable from the other. An example was shown for each of the Benchmarks. The evaluated nuclear data seemed the main factor of errors.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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