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Report No.

In situ EXAFS study on GeS$$_{2}$$ glass under high-pressure

Miyauchi, Koichi*; Qiu, J.*; Shojiya, Masanori*; Kawamoto, Yoji*; Kitamura, Naoyuki*; Fukumi, Kohei*; Katayama, Yoshinori; Nishihata, Yasuo

A GeS$$_{2}$$ glass was compressed up to 8 GPa at room temperature, heated up to 270 $$^{circ}$$C under 8 GPa and then decompressed to ambient pressure at room temperature, using a large volume high-pressure apparatus. The local structural-changes around Ge were examined by means of EXAFS method. The Ge-S bond length became monotonously short with increasing applied-pressure up to 8 GPa at room temperature. When the specimen was heated to 270 $$^{circ}$$C under 8 GPa, however, the vond length became slightly long. The elongated bond lengthe was almost kept even after the temperature was descended to room tempertature. In decompression process, the bond length became gradually long with releasing applied-pressure down to 2 GPa, following a change in compression process. Below 2 GPa, however, the Ge-S bond length was largely elongated, being lnger than the initial one. No significant change of coordination number was found in the compression and decompression processes up to 8 GPa. This change canbe explained by a combined effect of elastic and inelastic structural-changes.



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Category:Physics, Condensed Matter



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