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Oxygen potential and defect structure of oxygen-excess pyrochlore Ce$$_{2}$$Zr$$_{2}$$O$$_{7+x}$$

Otobe, Haruyoshi  ; Nakamura, Akio; Yamashita, Toshiyuki; Minato, Kazuo 

Pyrochlore-type (P-type) zirconias have been attracting significant research interest as disposable forms of high-level radioactive waste. In this work, we have clarified the oxygen potentials (g(O$$_{2}$$)) vs. oxygen nonstoichiometry (x) and temperature relations of P-type Ce$$_{2}$$Zr$$_{2}$$O$$_{7+x}$$ by the emf method and determined the lattice parameters (a0) with respect to x by XRD method.



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Category:Chemistry, Multidisciplinary



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