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Solid spallation target materials development


川合 將義*; 古坂 道弘; Li, J.-F.*; 川崎 亮*; 山村 力*; Mehmood, M.*; 栗下 裕明*; 菊地 賢司; 竹中 信幸*; 鬼柳 善明*; 五十嵐 廉*; 加藤 昌宏*

Kawai, Masayoshi*; Furusaka, Michihiro; Li, J.-F.*; Kawasaki, Akira*; Yamamura, Tsutomu*; Mehmood, M.*; Kurishita, Hiroaki*; Kikuchi, Kenji; Takenaka, Nobuyuki*; Kiyanagi, Yoshiaki*; Igarashi, Tadashi*; Kato, Masahiro*


In order to establish the technique fabricating a thin target slab with a real size, thin tantalum-clad tungsten slab with a hole for a thermocouple was fabricated with the high-precision machinery techniques and the HIP'ing method. The ultrasonic diagnostic showed that tantalum and tungsten bond was perfect. The HIP optimum condition was certified by means of the small punch test as already reported. The electrolytic coating technique in a molten salt was developed to make a thinner tantalum cladding on a tungsten target with a complicated shape, in order to reduce radioactivity from tantalum in an irradiated target.



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