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 年 ~ 

Global ${it ab initio}$ potential energy surfaces for the lowest three doublet states (1$$^{2}$$A', 2$$^{2}$$A', and 1$$^{2}$$A") of the BrH$$_{2}$$ system

BrH$$_{2}$$系の三つの最低二重項状態(1$$^{2}$$A', 2$$^{2}$$A', 1$$^{2}$$A")についての非経験的分子軌道法によるグローバルなポテンシャルエネルギー面

黒崎 譲; 高柳 敏幸

Kurosaki, Yuzuru; Takayanagi, Toshiyuki

BrH$$_{2}$$系の三つの最低二重項状態(1$$^{2}$$A', 2$$^{2}$$A', 1$$^{2}$$A") についての断熱ポテンシャルエネルギー面を、Breit-Pauliハミルトニアンに基づくスピン-軌道相互作用による補正を加えてMRCI/aug-cc-pVTZ法により計算し、得られた断熱エネルギーを解析的な多体関数にフィットした。基底状態のポテンシャル面上での水素引抜き及び水素交換の反応障壁は、MRCI+Q/aug-cc-pVTZレベルでそれぞれ1.28 and 11.71 kcal mol$$^{-1}$$と計算された。ポテンシャル面のフィットの精度は0.1 kcal mol$$^{-1}$$以内であった。フィットした基底状態のポテンシャル面を用いて、水素引抜き及び水素交換並びに同位体置換した反応の反応速度定数を、変分的遷移状態理論に基づくICVT/LAG法により計算した。その結果、水素引抜きについては実験との一致はおおむね良好であったが、水素交換については計算値は実験値を大幅に下回った。この不一致は、実験データの不足が主な原因と考えられる。

Adiabatic potential energy surfaces of the lowest three doublet states (1$$^{2}$$A', 2$$^{2}$$A', and 1$$^{2}$$A") for the BrH$$_{2}$$ system have been calculated globally using the MRCI+Q method with the aug-cc-pVTZ basis set. Spin-orbit effects were considered on the basis of Breit-Pauli Hamiltonian. The calculated adiabatic energies were fitted to the analytical functional form of many-body expansion. The barrier heights of the abstraction and exchange reactions on the ground-state PES were calculated to be 1.28 and 11.71 kcal mol$$^{-1}$$, respectively, at the MRCI+Q/aug-cc-pVTZ level of theory. The fits for the three PESs were successful within the accuracy of 0.1 kcal mol$$^{-1}$$. Thermal rate constants for the abstraction and exchange reactions and their isotopic variants were calculated with the fitted 1$$^{2}$$A' PES using the ICVT/LAG method. The calculated rate constants for the abstarction reactions agree fairly well with experiment but those for the exchange reactions were much smaller than experiment, which suggests that the reliable experimental data are still insufficient.



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分野:Chemistry, Physical



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