Subchannel analysis of CHF experiments for tight-lattice core
中塚 亨 ; 玉井 秀定; 呉田 昌俊 ; 大久保 努; 秋本 肇; 岩村 公道
Nakatsuka, Toru; Tamai, Hidesada; Kureta, Masatoshi; Okubo, Tsutomu; Akimoto, Hajime; Iwamura, Takamichi
It is important to evaluate thermal margin of the tight lattice core in the Reduced-Moderation Water reactor (RMWR). In the present study, to assess the applicability of subchannel analysis for tight lattice cores, tight lattice CHF experiments were analyzed with COBRA-TF code. For the axial uniform heated rod bundle, the code gives good prediction of critical power for mass velocity of around 500kg/(ms), while the code underestimates it for lower mass velocity and overestimates for higher mass velocity. The predicted BT position was outer channels and differed from the measured position. For the axially double-humped heated bundle, the code gives good prediction for mass velocity of around 200kg/(ms), and overestimates for higher mass velocity. It turned out that the two-phase multiplier of friction loss have a large influences on the flow distribution among the subchannels. To improve the calculation accuracy, it is required to predict precisely the flow distribution including the prediction of pressure distribution in a tight lattice bundle.