Effects of volume fraction and non-uniform arrangement of water moderator on reactivity
Cao, X.; 須崎 武則; 久語 輝彦 ; 森 貴正
Cao, X.; Suzaki, Takenori; Kugo, Teruhiko; Mori, Takamasa
From the viewpoint of nuclear criticality safety of fuel rod storage and transport, a series of critical experiments concerning effects of water hole size, water gap width, water-to-fuel volume ratio and non-uniform arrangement of water moderator have been performed at the Tank-type Critical Assembly (TCA) of Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute. In the present study, the effects of volume fraction and non-uniform arrangement of water moderator on reactivity are evaluated by the water level worth method and analyzed by the SRAC code. Error sources of experiments and calculations are discussed, especially for an energy group model. The calculation results of diffusion model with 17-group model show good agreement with the experiment results within a few dozen cents.