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Report No.

Pressure drop characteristics of Nb$$_{3}$$Al cable-in-conduit conductor under electromagnetic force; Relation between pressure drop characteristics and cable stiffness

Hamada, Kazuya; Matsui, Kunihiro; Takahashi, Yoshikazu; Nakajima, Hideo; Kato, Takashi; CS Model Coil Test Group

As one of the R&D of ITER. a hydraulic performance of Nb$$_{3}$$Al insert coil was measured and compared with other Nb$$_{3}$$Sn conductors. It seems that a longer twist pitch will promote a triangle helium flow space among 4th twist stage cables, jacket and center channel and contribute reduction of pressure drop. Under 500 kN/m of the electromagnetic force, the pressure drop of the Nb$$_{3}$$Al insert decreased by approximately 5%. Nb$$_{3}$$Al conductor indicated quit rigid characteristic under the electromagnetic force and suitable for future magnet with higher magnetic field and current.



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