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Report No.

Evaluation of counting efficiency of whole-body counter using voxel phantoms

Kinase, Sakae   ; Takagi, Shunji*; Noguchi, Hiroshi; Saito, Kimiaki  

The present study was performed to validate the UCWBC code for calibrating in vivo measurements. Furthermore, the calibration data for the adult voxel phantoms developed in JAERI were evaluated by the UCWBC code in order to examine the differences between the calibration data for voxel phantoms, including a voxel version of water-filled block-shape phantom based on an actual phantom that is used for the calibration of the whole-body counter in JAERI. It was found that the calculated calibration data by the UCWBC code for the water-filled block-shape phantom show good agreement with measured ones. Consequently, the UCWBC code was validated by the comparisons. It was also found that the calibration data depend on phantoms of different sizes and the effective distance between phantom and detector. The calibration of in vivo measurements using voxel phantoms for individuals would be quite useful for the improvement in accuracy of the measurement results.



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