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Report No.

JRR-2 decommissioning activity, 1

Nakano, Masahiro; Arigane, Kenji; Okawa, Hiroshi; Suzuki, Takeshi; Kishimoto, Katsumi ; Terunuma, Akihiro; Yano, Masaaki; Sakuraba, Naotoshi; Oba, Nagamitsu

The decommissioning plan of the Japan Research reactor No2(JRR-2), decommissioning activities until the first half of phase-3, radioactive wastes and exposure dose of workers are described in this report. Since the first criticality in October 1960, JRR-2 had been operated about 36 years for various experiments. However, JRR-2 was permanent shutdown in December 1996 based on JAERI's long term plan, and the decommissioning of the JRR-2 was started in August 1997. Decommissioning of the JRR-2 was planed for 11 years from 1997 to 2007 and the program was divided into 4 phases. The decommissioning activities of the phase-1, phase-2 and the first half of phase-3 had already completed as planned in March 1998, February 2000, March 2002, respectively. The decommissioning activities of the later half of Phase-3 (dismantling of the reactor cooling systems) are carrying out at present time with planed 2002 and 2003 fiscal years.



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