※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Importance of fracture criterion and crack tip material characterization in probabilistic fracture mechanics analysis of an RPV under a pressurized thermal shock


柴田 勝之; 鬼沢 邦雄 ; Li, Y.* ; 加藤 大輔*

Shibata, Katsuyuki; Onizawa, Kunio; Li, Y.*; Kato, Daisuke*


The paper describes the procedure to evaluate the ductile crack extension, where an increase in fracture resistance by a ductile crack extension is considered. Two standard ${it J}$-resistance curves are prepared for applying the elasto-plastic fracture criterion. Case studies concerning the effect of elasto-plastic fracture criterion were carried out using a severe PTS transient. The introduction of the elasto-plastic fracture criterion significantly contributes to remove the over-conservatism in applying the linear elastic fracture criterion. It was also found that the algorithm of the re-evaluation of crack tip characterization also has a significant effect on the failure probability.



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分野:Engineering, Multidisciplinary



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