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Dyed Polyvinyl Chloride films for use as high-dose routine dosimeters in radiation processing


Mai, H. H.*; Duong, N. D.*; 小嶋 拓治

Mai, H. H.*; Duong, N. D.*; Kojima, Takuji

放射線加工処理用実用線量計の使用を目的として、マラカイトグリーンまたは6GX-セトグロウシンを単独で0.11wt%含む厚さ約100$$mu$$mの2種の着色ポリ塩化ビニルフィルム(PVC)の特性を調べた。これらは、基本的には線量1-50kGyの範囲で$$^{60}$$Co $$gamma$$線照射により退色する。ともに、線量計の感度及び線量応答曲線の直線性は2.5%の抱水クロラール[CCl$$_3$$CH(OH)$$_2$$]と0.15%のハイドロキノン[HOC$$_6$$H$$_4$$OH]の添加により改良できた。また、これにより、食品照射や医用品の滅菌工程の品質保証をカバーする1kGyまで下限を拡張できる。両PVCフィルムの線量応答は、25$$^{circ}$$Cと比較して20-35$$^{circ}$$Cでは一定だが、35-55$$^{circ}$$Cでは温度係数(0.43$$pm$$0.01)%/$$^{circ}$$Cを持つ。照射前及び照射後60日間は線量計の特性は25$$^{circ}$$Cで1%以内で安定である。

Characteristics of the polyvinyl chloride films containing 0.11wt% of malachite green oxalate or 6GX-setoglausine with 100$$mu$$m in thickness were studied for use as routine dosimeters in radiation processing. These films show basically color bleaching under $$^{60}$$Co $$gamma$$-ray irradiation in a dose range of 5 to 50 kGy. The sensitivity of the dosimeters and the linearity of dose response curves are improved by adding 2.5% of chloral hydrate [CCl$$_3$$CH(OH)$$_2$$] and 0.15% hydroquinone [HOC$$_6$$H$$_4$$OH]. These additions extent the minimum dose limit to 1 kGy covering dosimetric quality assurance in radiation processing of food and healthcare products. The dose responses of both films at irradiation temperatures of 20-35$$^{circ}$$C are constant relative to those at 25$$^{circ}$$C, and the irradiation temperature coefficients for 35-55$$^{circ}$$C were estimated to be (0.43 $$pm$$ 0.01)%/ $$^{circ}$$C. The dosimeter characteristics are stable within 1% at 25$$^{circ}$$C before and 60 days after irradiation.



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分野:Chemistry, Physical



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