Development and operation of nuclear material accounting system of JAERI
小畑 敬
; 沼田 和義; 並木 伸爾; 鈴木 恒男*; 山内 隆弘*
Obata, Takashi; Numata, Kazuyoshi; Namiki, Shinji; Suzuki, Tsuneo*; Yamauchi, Takahiro*
For the nuclear material accounting system, the mainframe computer had been used in Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI). For the purpose of more flexible use and easy operation, the PC base accounting system has been developed since 1999, and operation started from October, 2002. This system consists of the server with the database software and the client PC with original application software. The functions of this system are the input and edit of data, the creation of inspection correspondence data, and creation of a report to the states. Furthermore, it is also possible to create the Web application which used accounting data on a user level by using the programming language. Now, this system is being specialized in JAERI, but it is during a plan to develop as a system which can be also used at other institutions and organization. In the paper, the outline and operating situation of the nuclear material accounting system of JAERI are presented.