※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Replacement of the filter for primary helium circulators of the HTTR

古澤 孝之 ; 角田 淳弥 ; 植田 祥平   ; 根本 隆弘; 小山 直*; 鎌田 崇

Furusawa, Takayuki; Sumita, Junya; Ueta, Shohei; Nemoto, Takahiro; Oyama, Sunao*; Kamata, Takashi


Primary helium circulators of the HTTR are the important component as the helium gas which is reactor coolant, and three circulators for the primary pressurized water cooler and one for the intermediate heat exchanger are installed in primary cooling system. In the upstream of these circulators, the filter has been installed in order to suppress that it is entrapped in the bearing in which fine particles in helium gas, support main shaft of the helium circulator. The differential pressure of this filter rose gradually during rise-to-power test. The rise of the filter differential pressure of the helium circulator may cause the problem for reactor operation. Therefore, the filters were newly manufactured, and replacement of the filter was carried out. In replacement of the filter, appearance confirmation was carried out and deposit of the filter was analyzed. This paper described replacement of the filter and filter differential pressure rise investigation of the causes.



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