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Report No.

Evaluation report of capsule development for uniform irradiation

Kikuchi, Taiji; Ishikawa, Kazuyoshi; Matsui, Yoshinori ; Itabashi, Yukio

In the JMTR, the irradiation examinations for nuclear reactor material are usually requested high accurate irradiation temperature, neutron fluence and neutron spectrum. The general demands satisfy to choice the best irradiation hole in the JMTR. However, for more accuracy, it is necessary to produce capsule with special mechanisms. To get the expectant neutron spectrum (ratio of fast neutron and thermal neutron), the thickness of cadmium is calculated by nuclear calculation code. Cadmium is the material to absorb the thermal neutron. Therefore, the necessary thickness was plated the outside of the specimen container with the cadmium. This paper is reported (1) the various base examinations for the development, (2) the result of the evaluations and (3) the evaluation result of an actual irradiation examination about uniform irradiation capsule of the reversing mechanism.



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