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Review of incident involving reactor pressure vessel head degradation at U.S. PWR

渡邉 憲夫

Watanabe, Norio

本報告書では、2002年3月6日に米国の加圧水型原子力発電所(PWR)、Davis Besseにおいて見つかった原子炉圧力容器(RPV: Reactor Pressure Vessel)上蓋の著しいウェステージについて、設置者及びNRCの発行した報告書などに基づいて、RPV上蓋劣化の発見に至った経緯,劣化の状況と原因,NRCによる対応などをまとめた。また、ホウ酸水の漏えいによる原子炉冷却材圧力バウンダリ機器の腐食・損傷事例に対してNRCが発行した規制書簡の具体的内容、並びに、NRCが当該事象の調査にあたって結成したタスクフォースによる報告書の内容についても付録に紹介した。

In March 6, 2002, significant degradation to the reactor vessel head material adjacent to a control rod drive nozzle was discovered at a U. S. pressurized water reactor (PWR), Davis Besse. Based on the documents issued by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) and the licensee, this report provides a brief description on circumstances related to discovery of the reactor vessel head degradation, and describes the degraded condition and causes, the USNRC's responses to this event and so on. In attachments, given are the contents of the generic communications (Bulletins, Generic Letters and Information Notices) issued by the USNRC for the events involving boric acid corrosion and degradation of reactor coolant pressure boundary components and the summary of the investigation reports issued by the USNRC's lessons-learned task force.



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