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Report No.

The Oxidation performance test of detritiation system under existence of CO and CO$$_{2}$$

Kobayashi, Kazuhiro; Terada, Osamu*; Miura, Hidenori*; Hayashi, Takumi; Nishi, Masataka

To construct the ITER with high safety and acceptability, it is necessary to establish and to ensure the tritium safe handling technology. The performance of the detritiation system at the off-normal events has not been confirmed well. To obtain performance data of detritiation system at the off normal events, the detritiation experiment was performed at TPL/JAERI using a scaled detritiation system for the oxidation performance test. The detritiation system consists of two oxidation catalyst beds (473K and 773K) and a molecular sieve drying absorber. Basic performance of the detritiation system for hydrogen and methane in air was evaluated under maximum ventilation flow rate. Obtained oxidation efficiency was more than 99.99% for hydrogen in the catalyst bed of 473K and more than 99.9% for methane in the 773K one, respectively. It was confirmed that these performances were maintained even under carbon dioxide , carbon monoxide if oxygen remained in the process gas.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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