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Report No.

DELIGHT-8; One dimensional fuel cell burnup analysis code for High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor (HTGR) (Joint research)

Nojiri, Naoki ; Fujimoto, Nozomu; Mori, Tomoaki; Obata, Hiroyuki*

DELIGHT code is a fuel cell burnup analysis code which can produce the group constants necessary for High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactors (HTGR) core analyses. Collision probability method is used to the lattice calculation. The lattice calculation model is a cylinder type fuel or a ball type fuel of the HTGR. This code characterizes the burnup calculation considering the double heterogeneity caused by coated fuel particles of the HTGR fuel. DELIGHT code has updated its nuclear data library to the latest JENDL-3.3 data, and included new burnup chain models in order to calculate high burnup HTGR cores. The material regions of the periphery burnable poisons (BPs) were divided into details in order to improve calculation accuracy of the BP lattice calculation. This report presents the revised points of the DELIGHT-8 and can be used as user's manual.



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