Status on seismic design and verification for ITER in Japan
武田 信和; 中平 昌隆; 多田 栄介; 藤田 聡*; 藤田 隆史*
Takeda, Nobukazu; Nakahira, Masataka; Tada, Eisuke; Fujita, Satoshi*; Fujita, Takafumi*
ITER is a Tokamak-type international fusion experimental device composed of superconducting magnets, a vacuum vessel, and so on. These are operated at a quie wide temperature ranging from 4K to 200 degree C. For this, multiple plates have been chosen as the machine support so as to peovide flexibility in the radial direction while keeping high rigidity vertically. This results in a low natural frequency of around 4Hz in the horizontal direction. Since those structures are designed in accordance with the IAEA seismic acceleration of 0.2g as a reference, a seismic isolation is required if earthquake-proof larger than 0.2g is necessary. Considering these conditions, analytical and experimental studies have been conducted to characterize the ITER dynamic response in Japan. This paper outlines the latest status on seismic design for ITER in Japan and evaluation on tokamak dynamic response and verification tests using scaled tokamak model.