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Report No.

Development of elemental components in NDA systems for certifying radioactive wastes with the clearance level

Tsutsumi, Masahiro; Oishi, Tetsuya* ; Yamasoto, Kotaro ; Yoshida, Makoto

We have designed and developed a $$gamma$$ measurement system to certify radioactive wastes below the clearance level. By advancing non-destructive $$gamma$$-ray assay technology, it aims at quantitative determination of radionuclides contained in 200 litter drum/container wastes. Unlike the waste from a nuclear power plant, you have to assume that the waste originating from radioisotope usage and nuclear research laboratory have a variety of contents and a complex mixture of radionuclides, and furthermore the uniformity of activity concentration is unknown. To cope with the problems, we have developed the $$gamma$$-ray measuring instruments (units) with effective improvement of capability against each problem. They are (1) germanium $$gamma$$ spectrometry unit for enhanced peak identification, (2) positioning detection unit for positioning of $$gamma$$ interactions and (3)high-efficiency detection unit for separation of low-energy component. This report summarizes the direction of the clearance level measuring system and the three developed measuring units with their performances.



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