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Management techniques of the JRR-4 heat exchanger

堀口 洋徳; 大山 光樹; 石黒 裕大 ; 平根 伸彦; 伊藤 和博; 亀山 巌

Horiguchi, Hironori; Oyama, Koji; Ishikuro, Yasuhiro; Hirane, Nobuhiko; Ito, Kazuhiro; Kameyama, Iwao


After JRR-4 heat exchanger was renewed in made of stainless steel from carbon steel, it was examined how to manage the heat exchanger. The main subject is the cleaning technology of the heat exchanger. The recovery of old heat exchanger cooling performance has been by only chemical cleaning. Now we use chemical and dry cleaning as a new technique. It helps prevent of corrosions of secondary pipes and reduce of management costs. This report describes the performance management and cleaning technology of the JRR-4 heat exchanger and the management of the JRR-4 coolant.



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