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Report No.

Characterization of the nuclear power plants in decommissioning program and influence evaluation on decommissioning costs

Mizukoshi, Seiji; Oshima, Soichiro; Shimada, Taro 

The radiological and physical characteristic on decommissioning, such as component and structure weights and radioactivity of the 1.1 MWe class reference nuclear power plants summarized in the NUREG reports of the US NRC were classified,arranged and compared with the domestic commercial nuclear power plants and JPDR from a view point of dismantling plan and waste management for decommissioning. As the results, it was found that the radioactive component and structure weights was about 28,000ton、and non-radioactive structure weights was about 124,000ton less than the domestic commercial BWR. And it was found that this differences has mainly influenced dismantling costs for decommissioning. Farther, it was found that the concrete element composition rates of B, Ni, Nb and so were differerence of one or more figures btween the reference nuclear power plants and the domestic commercial PWR or JPDR.Also,it was found that the this difference became about two or three times by radioactivity concentration and has mainly influenced transport and disposal costs for decommissioning.



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