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Report No.

Socio-economic effects of the material science in JAERI

Yanagisawa, Kazuaki; Takahashi, Shoji*

A socio-economic evaluation of Material Science (MS) of JAERI was made. The goal was to reveal the emphasized basic research fields (EBRF) of MS and to observe its socio-economic networking. High ranked keywords for the former and the number of co-authored papers for the latter were used along with many MS related papers. The obtained results are: (1) The EBRF of MS of JAERI were typically represented by the keywords of ion irradiation, actinides, etc., i.e., those having a strong relation to the nuclear field. Regarding actinides, the socio-economic networking between JAERI and PS occurred at the growth rate of 3-4% per 25 years, but 8% during the past 5 years. This implies that the research cooperation between the two was markedly enhanced. (2) The EBRF of MS between JAERI and 5 selected research bodies (SRB) represented by Tokyo University was directly compared and revealed that only 7 keywords as typically represented by neutron and accelerators. After overlapping, JAERI and SRB seem to be raising the national standard level.



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Category:Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications



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