Large-scaled non-thermal laser peeling, cutting and drilling in nuclear decommissioning industry
峰原 英介; 羽島 良一; 沢村 勝; 永井 良治; 菊澤 信宏 ; 西森 信行; 飯島 北斗; 西谷 智博; 木村 秀明*; 小栗 第一郎*; 山内 俊彦
Minehara, Eisuke; Hajima, Ryoichi; Sawamura, Masaru; Nagai, Ryoji; Kikuzawa, Nobuhiro; Nishimori, Nobuyuki; Iijima, Hokuto; Nishitani, Tomohiro; Kimura, Hideaki*; Oguri, Daiichiro*; Yamauchi, Toshihiko
The JAERI FEL has recently discovered the new FEL lasing of 255fs ultra fast pulse, 6-9% high-efficiency, one gigawatt high peak power, a few kilowatts average power, and wide tunability of medium and far infrared wavelength regions at the same time. Using the new lasing and energy-recovery linac technology, we could extend a more powerful and more efficient free-electron laser (FEL) than 10kW and 25%, respectively, for nuclear industry, pharmacy, medical, defense, shipbuilding, semiconductor industry, chemical industries, environmental sciences, space-debris, power beaming and so on. In order to realize such a tunable, highly-efficient, high average power, high peak power and ultra-short pulse FEL, we need the efficient and powerful FEL driven by the JAERI compact, stand-alone and zero boil-off super-conducting RF linac with an energy-recovery geometry. Our discussions on the FEL will cover the application of non-thermal peeling, cutting, and drilling to decommission the nuclear power plants, and to prevent stress-corrosion cracking in nuclear industry and roadmap for the industrial FELs, the JAERI compact, stand-alone and zero-boil-off cryostat concept and operational experience, the new, highly-efficient, high-power, and ultra fast pulse lasing mode, and the energy-recovery geometry.