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Connections between radiation and positronium chemistry


平出 哲也  

Hirade, Tetsuya


There are many connections between radiation and positronium chemistry. The Spur Reaction model proposed by Mogensen needs much radiation chemistry knowledge. On the other hand, the Spur Reaction model could give new ideas to radiation chemists. Positronium formation reaction is very fast and hence there is a good relationship between reactions observed by a pulse radiolysis measurement and positronium formation, which was shown by Dupratre et al. Enhancement of positronium formation at low temperatures was successfully explained by the reaction of trapped electrons and positrons. The trapped electrons have been studied well by radiation chemists. That knowledge was needed to propose a new idea to explain the positronium formation at low temperatures. And now, probably it is becoming possible to use the positronum formation reaction to study the trapped electrons. Positron methods will be able to be used for the radiation chemistry research.



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分野:Chemistry, Physical



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