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Report No.

Correction of X-ray detection yield in micro-PIXE analysis according to sample thickness variation measured by STIM

Sato, Takahiro; Sakai, Takuro; Oikawa, Masakazu*

The purpose of this study is to correct yields of characteristic X-ray in micro-PIXE analysis by using STIM and computer simulation. To compensate the reduction of X-ray yields, thickness and internal constitution of a sample must be taken accurately with spatial resolution of a few microns. Therefore, we use STIM to investigate them. Furthermore, we developed a computer software code to correct the X-ray yields. To confirm validity of our method, ion exchange resins, which are similar to biological cells in size, were used as a test sample. There were some wrong distributions of sodium in micro-PIXE analysis of ion exchange resins. But, they could be corrected to some extent by using our code.



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Category:Instruments & Instrumentation



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