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Report No.

RF characteristics of J-PARC DTL3 cavity

Ito, Takashi  ; Asano, Hiroyuki*; Morishita, Takatoshi  ; Kato, Takao*; Takasaki, Eiichi*; Tanaka, Hirokazu*; Yoshino, Kazuo*; Naito, Fujio*

The third Drift Tube Linac (DTL3) is adopted for 37MeV-50MeV part of high intensity proton linac for Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex(J-PARC). DTL3 consists of 26 full drift tubes, 2 half drift tubes and 26 post-couplers. As a result of tuning of the accelerating field of the DTL3, the resonant frequency was adjusted to 324MHz and the average accelerating field distribution was adjusted within 1%.



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