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 年 ~ 


A Laser radar capable of in-situ monitoring and imaging aerosols suspended in atmosphere

大図 章  

Ozu, Akira


In order to develop technologies for predicting and monitoring the atmospheric dispersion of aerosols containing radionuclides, a feasibility study on the real-time measurement of the aerosol being released into atmosphere from nuclear facilities has been conducted by using a laser radar technique. We have developed a remote particle counter capable of monitoring aerosol suspended in a distance space. The particle counter can measure the number and size of the aerosol on real-time basis. The performance of the counter was examined compared with that of conventional particle counters. It was found that aerosols with diameter of $$>$$ 0.5 microns could be detected at a distance of 5 m. The technique is also applicable and useful for the aerosol monitoring in the other field such as semiconductor industries.



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