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 年 ~ 

Study of ohmic loss of high power polarizers at 170 GHz for ITER


柏 吉忠*; 三枝 幹雄*; 高橋 幸司; 春日井 敦; 坂本 慶司

Kashiwa, Yoshinori*; Saigusa, Mikio*; Takahashi, Koji; Kasugai, Atsushi; Sakamoto, Keishi


High efficiency ECCD operations need an obliquely propagating electromagnetic wave with a specified elliptical polarization in magnetized plasma. The polarizer is necessary in order to excite the specified polarization. In the ITER design for ECCD system, the transmitted power per one waveguide is planned to be 1 MW as CW operation. The ohmic loss evaluation code for grooved mirror polarizers which calculates tangential magnetic field to the material at exterior to the groove and inside of that was developed. Calculation results were made sure of agreement with high power experiment qualitatively, and validity of the evaluation code has been confirmed.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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