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Creep test for FBR fuel cladding tubes(XII)

田中 千秋*

not registered


In regard to "Joyo" MK-II reload fuel cladding tubes, 56JK and 56JS, which were domestically produced on a large scale with specifications set in fiscal year 1980, many kinds of test such as tensile test, burst test, creep rupture test under internal pressure, as well as metallurgical microstructure observation and hardness test, were conducted. From these test data, the specifications for fuel cladding tubes were evaluated and design data were obtained for "Monju" initial core fuel cladding tubes. In addition, as for "Monju" fuel cladding tube, 55MS, domestically trial-manufactured in fiscal year 1980, high temperature characteristic data were also obtained by conducting creep and creep rupture test under uniaxial tension and internal creep test. Results obtained are: (1)There are little differences in tensile and burst test results between 56JK and 56JS. They show almost same strengths and elongations as 55MK and 55MS. (2)There are little differences in creep rupture test results under internal pressure between 56JK and 56JS. Compared with cladding tube creep rupture test results under internal pressure, which were performed in the first to 11th test, the results of this time have the same level of creep rupture strength (650$$^{circ}$$C $$times$$ 7,560h, 675$$^{circ}$$C $$times$$ 17,760h) as both 54M and 55M. This result shows that creep rupture strength under internal pressure of cladding tubes in large scale production (56JK and 56JS) is the highest as the one in trial-manufacturing (54M and 55M). (3)There is scattering of data in creep rupture test under internal pressure among each one of the member insitutions. But there is little difference between creep curves obtained from continuous measurement of an outside diameter and creep test method under uniaxial tension. This means that continuous measurement of an outside diameter is better than off-and on-measurement of an outside diameter. (4)Creep rupture strength under uniaxial tension at test ...



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