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Presentation Management Pesearch in PNC


河本 治巳

Komoto, Harumi


PNC is appointed as central promoting organization for the R&D's in the policy stage(2nd stage) of HLW waste disposal which target the selection of candidate disposal sites. and PNC has been made extensive R&D works to establish the technology for geologic disposal. In promoting the R&D's, it has been recognized as quite important that we mustproceed the R&D activities on the base of sufficient understanding of them from the socities. To think about the characteristic features of geologic disposal R&D's, we need other kind of approaches in addition to the experiences accumlated in the common fields of nuclear R&D's. In a short, it is quite important to catch the anxities or questions shared by the people and to respond them exactly. Present activities of presentation management research program toget understanding of geologic disposal R&D's from the societies are shown briefly in this paper.



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