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Report No.

Sodium Combustion Analysis for the Deatail Design of Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor MONJU

Okabe, Ayao; Onuki, Koji; Kikuchi, H.; M.Uchihashi; Nishibayashi, Yohei; Ikeda, Makinori; Miyake, Osamu

Sodium combustion analyses were performed using ASSCOPS version 2.1 in order to obtain background data for evaluating validity of the mitigation system against secondary sodium leak of MONJU. The analytical results of floor temperature and hydrogen concentration were summarized in this report.In the sodium combustion analyses under the detailed design conditions, it was confirmed that the temperature rise of the floor liner was reduced In addition, as for the hydrogen concentration in sodium leak process which is formed by the reaction of sodium and moisture, it was confirmed that it is restricted under 4% of the hydrogen burn criterion. Concerning the hydrogen concentration due to the reaction with sodium and sodium hydroxide in the sodium pool after the storing, in the same way, it was confirmed that it is restricted under 4% of the criterion.



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